Clinical Emotional Freedom Technique

Discover the transformative power of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT/Tapping), the ultimate self-regulation tool that can revolutionize your well-being. With over five years of personal practice, I have witnessed firsthand its profound impact on self-regulation, executive functioning, and trauma resolution.

The scientific evidence supporting EFT’s effectiveness is staggering. As a certified Clinical Emotional Freedom Technique practitioner, I can guide you through this life-changing modality.

Whether you’re a neurodivergent individual or a pediatric cancer survivor, my tailored coaching sessions can seamlessly integrate EFT. 

Alternatively, if you prefer a standalone EFT experience, I provide dedicated sessions focused solely on your needs. Together, we will tap into:

  •  the root causes of your self-regulation challenges;
  • dismantle the barriers hindering your executive functioning;
  • address triggers in your daily life;
  • and heal the lingering wounds of your past.

I offer flexible options for your unique journey, including hourly sessions and comprehensive 5, 10, and 15-session packages.

Ready to embark on this transformative path?

Take the first step and book a FREE EFT session with me today. 

Connect with me through my website’s contact page, or schedule your session conveniently below (reach out to me if you do not see a time that fits your schedule)

Take advantage of this opportunity to unlock your true potential and embrace a happier, more fulfilling life.

All sessions are conducted via Zoom, based on the Eastern Time Zone. 

Want to learn more about EFT?

Check out this playlist I made especially for you.

To learn more about the science behind EFT and purchase EFT programs, check out this website for more information. Please note this is an affiliate link; I earn commission from all your purchases.